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Fruits with More Vitamin C than Oranges

It is widely recognized that oranges are packed with vitamin C. It's definitely true that they're a good source of this vitamin. But did you know that there are other fruits that contain even greater quantities?

I was quite surprised myself when I found out. Now, I'm in no way suggesting that we shouldn't eat oranges and indeed other citrus fruits.

What I do want to make clear however is that if you feel like you're a little low and maybe even coming down with a cold, in addition to oranges, there are some other great options that are available to you.

The USDA Nutrient Database is an excellent resource. It's where I go when I want to get accurate information on the nutritional values of the foods I eat.

In the case of raw Navel oranges, the amount of vitamin C that they contain per 100 grams is 59.1 mg. If we compare this to say a raw apple, it has more than 10 times the amount of this vitamin.

So while the humble orange is a great source of this important vitamin, it just is not the best.

Other Good Sources

There are a huge number of fruits and vegetables to choose from that will provide you with a number of important nutrients. Some of the other well known fruits that have high levels of vitamin C are:

acerola cherriesAs you can see, we do have a choice when we need a nutrient boost. Oranges are a good choice, but they're not the only choice!

Also, don't neglect lemons. While they are not everyone's first choice as a fruit to eat, they do contain high levels of this vitamin along with many other health-giving properties.

A good way to start the day is to squeeze a lemon into some water and drink it on an empty stomach. This not only helps to jump start the digestion for the day, it also helps to detoxify the liver and alkalizes the body overall.

Juicing for Health

Choosing to purchase a juicer and make a fruit juice is a great method to consume high levels of vitamin C. Just think about it for a moment. How many oranges do you think you could eat in one sitting?

Whatever the number, you're bound to be able to drink the juice of more of this fruit than you could eat. This is why the process of juicing fruits and vegetables is seen as beneficial for our health.

Good Nutrition Leads to Good Health

In addition to this, it is also worth noting that you can maintain a good level of health by keeping up with your daily intake of nutrients by simply eating a healthy, balanced diet. That means staying away from all processed foods and those that contain high levels of sugars (and sugar substitutes).

As long as you are able to do that you can keep your body in better balance without the need to supplement with pills or even juiced fruit. And while you are about it stop drinking fizzy drinks like soda or popular brands that shall remain nameless here!

Stay with plain water and your body will be eternally grateful to you!

- Terry Didcott


Posted on Tue, 18 Oct 2011 in Diet | 0 Comments

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